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ENHANCED LIQUID FEED ADDITIVE FOR HONEYBEES Natural extract, based on the synergistic mixture of essential oils, among others cinnamon, thyme, oregano Effective to prevent the American foulbrood disease (caused by Paenibacillus larvae ssp larvae) and to reduce the number of Varroa destructor mites in honeybee colonies


  • Natural extract, based on the synergistic mixture of essential oils, among others cinnamon, thyme, oregano
  • Effective to prevent the American foulbrood disease (caused by Paenibacillus larvae ssp larvae) and to reduce the number of Varroa destructor mites in honeybee colonies


  • All natural
  • Antibiotic free
  • Pesticide free
  • Certified ecological
  • Zero withdrawal time
  • Synergic effect of essential oils
  • Strong antibacterial and antiparasitic effect
  • Stimulates laying
  • Stimulates cleaning
  • Improves collecting activity
  • Easy to apply, recommended twice per year


Prepare a solution of 5ml NAF in 500ml of sugar syrup (50% sucrose and 50% water).
Apply this mixture in ten consecutive days.
One treatment consists of 50ml NAF.

A unique solution to prevent the Americal Foulbrood – especially where the treatment is not possible!

More in this category: « Ruminostart drench Nonos Plus »


Alpha-Vet Ltd. develops, manufactures and continuously improves portfolio of veterinary pharmaceuticals, feed supplements, pet food and plant nutrition products. As a result of our innovative investments, a GMP certificated veterinary pharmaceutical factory, GMP+ cerificated feed supplements factory and a plant nutrion factory..

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  • A wild range of veterinary pharmaceutical products. Oral and external use, tablets as well and a new generation of medicinal premixes to mix with the forage: the more modern form of granulated fluids. 
  • A wild range of feed supplements. Our liquid vitamins and feed supplements fulfil all the requirements of healthy feed additives. Due to their unique composition and chelated new active ingredients they provide solutions for novel animal health challenges.
  • A wild range of plant nutrition products. These products are a natural and economical alternative to conventional fertilization and plant protection technologies.
  • Significant expertise in the nutrition of pets ensuring appropriate balance of nutrients in pet food produced as well as minimal risk of nutritional related diseases.


Alpha-Vet Animal Health Ltd.
Homoksor 7, Székesfehérvár, Hungary 8000

Phone: +36-22-516-408

Fax: +36-22-516-416


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