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Breeding broiler chicken is the most intensive meat production method, thereby making it especially important to assure continuous development without any illnesses or immune system weaknesses. AII these problems cause economic loss for the growers whereas the application of our products ensure problem free development and improved economic results.

Results to expect:
- Prevents and stops diarrhea related problems and illnesses
- Improves weakened birds after hatching out
- Improves feed utilization
- Increases weight development
- Improves the ratio of valuable parts of chicken
- Decreases fat content of breast and legs as well as the fat in the stomach
- Improves bone system and feather
- Weakens Salmonella infections
- Develops stronger immune system against virus based diseases
- Decreases the application of medicines
- Improves stress tolerance
- Detoxifies by bonding, inactivating and removing mycotoxins
- Decreases ammonia smell

Recommended products: VITAPOL powder
APPLICATION: (please consult our experts when choosing the right products and doses)
VITAPOL powder: Mix 0,5-1,0% VITAPOL into all types of feed during the complete breeding period.

During turkey breeding 65-70% of the total breeding costs are for feed which means that feed utilization is a key parameter in turkey breeding. Our long term experience has proved that application of VITAPOL assure a better feed utilization during the complete breeding period.

- Improves feed utilization
- Increases weight development
- Improves the ratio of valuable parts of chicken
- Decreases the fat content of the breast and legs as well as the fat in the stomach
- Improves bone system and feather
- Weakens Salmonella infections
- Develops a stronger immune system against virus based diseases
- Decreases the application of medicines
- Improves stress tolerance
- Detoxifies by bonding, inactivating and removing mycotoxins
- Decreases ammonia smell

Recommended products: VITAPOL powder, VITAPOL-ZnZ powder
APPLICATION: (please consult our expel when choosing the nthtproducts and doses)
VITAPOL powder: Mix 0,6-0,8 % VITAPOL into all types of feed during the complete breeding period including parents-breeding and egg-laying.
VITAPOL-ZnZ powder: Mix 0,7-1,0 OA VITAPOL-ZnZ into the feed especially when a weakened immune system and illnesses of digestive system are realized. It's also recommended to support medicinal treatments.

During industrial egg production mortality parameters can be improved by developing a strong immune system and by preventing illnesses of the digestive system. Application of our products improves economic parameters even in the case of high efficiency systems. The result of healthy birds with a high level of production parameters are achieved by mixing our VITAPOL-ZnZ products into the feed.

Our long term industrial experience is as follows:
- Egg-laying starts at the same time with a steep egg-laying curve
- The horizontal plateau of egg-laying curve is longer which means a longer egg-laying period
- Prevents and stops the so called foamy-diarrhea problems during feed changes
- Improves egg-laying eminence and birds will produce larger eggs with a stronger shell
- Decreases feed costs
- Improves bone system and feather
- Develops stronger immune system against virus based diseases
- Detoxifies by bonding, inactivating and removing mycotoxins
- Decreases ammonia smell
- Weakens Salmonella infections
- Decreases the application of medicines
- Improves stress tolerance

Recommended products: VITAPOL powder, VITAPOL Zn-2 powder
APPLICATION: (please consult our experts when choosing the right products and doses)
VITAPOL powder: Mix 0,6-0,8 % VITAPOL into all types of feed during the complete breeding period. In case of lifetime over 70 weeks raise the dosage to 1%.
VITAPOL-ZnZ powder: Mix 0,7-1,0 % VITAPOL-Zn2 into feed especially when a weakened immune system and illnesses of digestive system are realized. Also recommended to support medicinal applications and improve biological reproduction parameters.

Breeding stocks and parents need special feed due to the fast growing and large weight which are not the most important parameters. Moreover, the application of our products helps the development of a strong immune system to improve the following parameters:

- Prevents and stops the so-called foamy-diarrhea problems during feed changes
- Egg-laying starts at the same time with a steep egg-laying curve
- The horizontal plateau of egg-laying curve is longer which means a longer egg-laying period
- Develops a stronger immune system against virus based diseases
- Detoxifies by bonding, inactivating and removing mycotoxins
- Decreases the application of medicines
- Improves stress tolerance
- Improves fertility and the hatching percentage of eggs

Recommended products: VITAPOL powder, VITAPOL-Zn2 powder
APPLICATION: (please consult our experts when choosing the right products and doses)
VITAPOL powder: Mix 0,6-0,8 % VITAPOL into all types of feed during the complete breeding period.
VITAPOL-Zn2 powder: Mix 0,7-1,0 % VITAPOL -Zn2 into all feed especially when a weakened immune system and illnesses of the digestive system are realized. Also recommended to support medicinal treatments and improve biological reproduction parameters.

Please always consult our experts when choosing the most effective and most economical application forms and products. We have several test results that are available upon request.




Alpha-Vet Ltd. develops, manufactures and continuously improves portfolio of veterinary pharmaceuticals, feed supplements, pet food and plant nutrition products. As a result of our innovative investments, a GMP certificated veterinary pharmaceutical factory, GMP+ cerificated feed supplements factory and a plant nutrion factory..

klikkAbout Us


  • A wild range of veterinary pharmaceutical products. Oral and external use, tablets as well and a new generation of medicinal premixes to mix with the forage: the more modern form of granulated fluids. 
  • A wild range of feed supplements. Our liquid vitamins and feed supplements fulfil all the requirements of healthy feed additives. Due to their unique composition and chelated new active ingredients they provide solutions for novel animal health challenges.
  • A wild range of plant nutrition products. These products are a natural and economical alternative to conventional fertilization and plant protection technologies.
  • Significant expertise in the nutrition of pets ensuring appropriate balance of nutrients in pet food produced as well as minimal risk of nutritional related diseases.


Alpha-Vet Animal Health Ltd.
Homoksor 7, Székesfehérvár, Hungary 8000

Phone: +36-22-516-408

Fax: +36-22-516-416


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